Congo Tetra is a fish native to the Middle Congo Basin in Africa. I recently found out that many new aquarists are having a problem distinguishing the gender of Congo Tetra. For this reason, I want to share some points to help you learn whether your Congo Tetra is male or female. Let’s dive in!
The quickest and easiest way to distinguish Congo Tetra gender is by looking at their color. If your Congo Tetra has more color and brightly stands out, it is male. Male Congo Tetras have a more vibrant diamond-like color palette. Conversely, the female is slightly duller in color compared to the male. If it is albino, the female Congo Tetras exhibit subdued albino coloration.
The male Congo Tetra is considerably larger. And yes! Congo Tetra females have reduced in size compared to the male. They are smaller and tend to have a less striking appearance. While it may be slightly tricky to notice the size in a tank, male Congo Tetras can grow up to 8.5cm, while females can only grow up to 6cm.
Fin Structure
Looking at their fin structure is also one of the easiest ways to tell whether certain Congo Tetras are females or males. The male Congo Tetra has long, elongated dorsal and caudal fins with striking white edges. Conversely, female Congo Tetras do not have such fanciful fins.
Breeding Behavior
Breeding behavior can help you distinguish the gender of this fish. Male Congo Tetras tend to chase and display to females. On the other hand, the female will remain calm because they can only spawn the egg, which the male then fertilizes.
Belly Shape
It can be the last way to distinguish whether your Congo Tetras are females or males. I notice that female Congo Tetras have slightly rounded shapes and bloated bellies. It’s all because they hold eggs. However, it may be a little hard to notice because they are so small in the overall look.
So, could you distinguish the gender of your Congo Tetras now? I hope this article helps! It may be tricky at first, but once you notice the differences, you will easily catch the gender next time. Your eyes will quickly recognize the gender even at first glance!